Effective methods of communication | 5 steps of effective communication

Effective communication is the ability to convey the information clearly and efficiently to another person or group.
Effective communication is the key to building strong both personal and professional relationship. It involves the exchange of information between two or more individuals in a way that is clear, simple, and easily understood. The ability to communicate effectively is a critical skill that can greatly impact one's success in all areas of life.

Elements of effective communication are;

  1. Clarity: Effective communication requires clear and in simple language. Means using simple words and avoiding technical terms that may be difficult for to understand. It also means being direct and avoiding complications in communication.

  2. Be good Listener: Effective communication involves not only speaking but also listening. Active listening involves paying attention to what the other person is saying, asking questions to clarify understanding, and providing feedback to ensure that the message has been received correctly.

  3. Empathy: Effective communication requires empathy, It means understanding the other person's perspective and emotions. This involves taking the time to listen and understand their point of view with respect and avoiding judgment.

  4. Non-Verbal Communication: Effective communication also involves non-verbal communication, which includes body language, facial expressions, and  voice tone. These elements can greatly impact how a message is received, so it's important to be aware of body language and use them as per situation.

  5. Feedback: It's important to check with the other person to ensure that the message has been delivered correctly.


There are several other strategies also that can help to improve effectiveness of communication, including:

Planning: Planning is the most important part of communication to convey the message correctly, simple and in short words to ensure that your message is clear and simple to understand.

Flexibility: Being flexible and willing to adjust your communication style to be targeted the needs of the person. 

Patience: Effective communication often requires patience when dealing with difficult or emotional. It's important to take the time to listen and respond patiently. 

Practice: practice makes man perfect. Do practice more and more to improve your communication effectively. 

By focusing on clarity, active listening, empathy, non-verbal communication, and feedback, as well as planning, flexibility, patience, and practice, individuals can improve their communication skills and achieve their goals.

Best example of how comunication goes wrong person to person, see video

Simply amazing

1 comment

  1. Good vide for example.